Grandes ofertas em Sofia, Downtown, Bulgaria por fornecedor Firefly
Explore Sofia em um carro alugado
Alugar um carro por fornecedor Firefly no com BookingCar - rentável, conveniente e fácil.
Em caso de problemas associados ao carro alugado, a empresa BookingCar os resolve o mais rápido possível.
Estaremos lá para você 24 horas por dia.
Sinta-se à vontade para entrar em contato conosco em +33 18 28 849 41.
The prospect of standing in line while other customers are given a car is not the most pleasant, but you will not guess. It all depends on the load and sometimes you have to spend time to get your car. Sometimes everything goes quickly, you do not have time to really figure out what's what
Helena Arellano, 23 abril 2020
I liked everything, I also thought that I could offer something, but I didn’t think of anything like that. Only one wish: not to increase the cost of rent
Edmund Vaughan, 13 novembro 2018