Grandes ofertas em Munich, Germany por fornecedor SIXT
Explore Munich em um carro alugado
Alugar um carro por fornecedor SIXT no com BookingCar - rentável, conveniente e fácil.
Em caso de problemas associados ao carro alugado, a empresa BookingCar os resolve o mais rápido possível.
Estaremos lá para você 24 horas por dia.
Sinta-se à vontade para entrar em contato conosco em +33 18 28 849 41.
The company is at one time an intermediary: it offers cars from many distributors around the world, and even some local, small ones. But at the same time, they have their own fleet and very competitive prices for cars. Maybe a little cheaper or more expensive, but you can definitely rent something on a trip that suits you completely. I, for example, always have
Anthony K., 12 abril 2020
Although they gave us 200 km per day for free, we are satisfied
Debbie Ellis, 25 dezembro 2019
I took a mini car here a couple of times, somehow I didn't really appreciate them. This time she rented an SUV. Very pleased. For comfort, the mini is definitely inferior, the rental conditions were the same. For the price of an SUV much more expensive out
Olya Zhulanova, 24 dezembro 2018