Grandes ofertas em Kalamata, Greece
Explore Kalamata em um carro alugado
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In Greece, they took a car, Peugeot for two weeks. It cost 164 euros.
Jim Dook, 29 dezembro 2020
Machines from the economy segment are very good. I do not book any cool foreign cars, I see no reason, because I usually order for 3-4 days
Ekaterina Polyanskaya , 21 Junho 2019
With the distributor for a long time and there were different situations. Not always liked the car, got into an accident. I like the fact that in critical situations the company remains on the client side. They will always help on the road, they will tell you how to deal with the situation. I like it a lot
Aria Sutton, 15 Janeiro 2019
I usually rent cars for short-term rent here, my maximum is 4 days. Satisfied with the service
Faith Randolph, 20 Outubro 2018