Grandes ofertas em Rhodes, Greece por fornecedor Drive Rent a Car
Explore Rhodes em um carro alugado
Alugar um carro por fornecedor Drive Rent a Car no com BookingCar - rentável, conveniente e fácil.
Em caso de problemas associados ao carro alugado, a empresa BookingCar os resolve o mais rápido possível.
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I specially devoted time to understand the intricacies of rental on this site. And I spent the time productively, as it turned out. I found out that at different dispensing counters, cars can be cheaper or more expensive. And most often at the airport, the price will be overpriced due to different fees. If you can't get there from the airport, then it is better to rent a car from there, but if there is a transfer option, then you can save a lot. I ended up picking up the car at the hotel and was pleased with the price.
Laura Charles, 02 Outubro 2020
I got a good car, but I liked it more that they quickly issued a return and issuance. often at distributors all this is not very organized, then orders are lost, then cars take a long time to prepare. This time everything went perfectly, it was not in vain that I changed the rental company
Veronika Izmaylova , 01 Outubro 2019
In my personal rating, this company comes first. Say what you like, and the cars give out on time, in clean and working condition. Maybe I, as a girl, do not always notice any technical flaws, but if I rent a car, I prefer through this company.
Laura David, 14 Poderia 2019
Before renting a car, I was well aware of all the conditions and how the process goes. While climbing the site, an expert wrote and offered his help. Being sure that I know everything without him, I still asked a few questions. And what was my surprise when I was told a few ideas how to rent a car and diversify my trip. Glad to find it.
Natalya Gerasimova , 28 Fevereiro 2019
Service can not say anything. But the car is good
Renee B., 01 Janeiro 2019