Grandes ofertas em Rome, Italy por fornecedor Keddy by Europcar
Explore Rome em um carro alugado
Alugar um carro por fornecedor Keddy by Europcar no com BookingCar - rentável, conveniente e fácil.
Em caso de problemas associados ao carro alugado, a empresa BookingCar os resolve o mais rápido possível.
Estaremos lá para você 24 horas por dia.
Sinta-se à vontade para entrar em contato conosco em +33 18 28 849 41.
I hired a car on the advice of a friend. What exactly is better to book, she also suggested to me. I liked the car, the feeling was that I ride on my own. As served on racks and at the time of registration of the application on the site - too.
Margie L., 12 Janeiro 2019
I was sure that the car would be given a good one, but was very worried about the time. Because after the arrival I had to immediately take the contract for the signature and wait at the issuance counter just was not possible. Probably still my luck worked, everything went as it should
Vika Ruddi, 09 dezembro 2018