Grandes ofertas em Stockholm, Taby, Sweden por fornecedor Europcar
Explore Stockholm em um carro alugado
Alugar um carro por fornecedor Europcar no com BookingCar - rentável, conveniente e fácil.
Em caso de problemas associados ao carro alugado, a empresa BookingCar os resolve o mais rápido possível.
Estaremos lá para você 24 horas por dia.
Sinta-se à vontade para entrar em contato conosco em +33 18 28 849 41.
The unstable weather in Stockholm and global travel plans made me rent a car. The reservation was made through the first site that came across. I didn't build any expectations, I just needed a car for 4 days, preferably on basic conditions. Without insurance and without all possible surcharges. I was able to find one on Bookingcar, so I made an order. Then I started reading about the company, it turned out that they have tens of thousands of customers, a lot of good reviews and prices are among the lowest. In short, I was lucky.
Vladislava Muravskaya , 08 Outubro 2020