Grandes ofertas em Izmir, Turkey por fornecedor Circular Car Hire
Explore Izmir em um carro alugado
Alugar um carro por fornecedor Circular Car Hire no com BookingCar - rentável, conveniente e fácil.
Em caso de problemas associados ao carro alugado, a empresa BookingCar os resolve o mais rápido possível.
Estaremos lá para você 24 horas por dia.
Sinta-se à vontade para entrar em contato conosco em +33 18 28 849 41.
In addition to the car, I rent 2 more child seats, I take gps and full insurance. All this is considered the key to a relaxing trip. The family is always satisfied.
Filipp Belonogov , 24 Poderia 2019
Already at the airport demanded to change the car, because at least it did not want to sit in it. Obviously, after previous customers, no one washed / cleaned there. As soon as they heard that I would complain, they offered to wait and issued another car. Here on the second we rode with pleasure
Vadim Burov, 07 Janeiro 2019